As social media gains more prominence as a marketing and sales platform, marketers are constantly looking for that edge that will let their messaging cut through the clutter.
Fortune Magazine did a great job in December of last year of tagging t
he top trends in social media for the year and I couldn't agree more.
- Staying relevant on Facebook will cost companies more
- More tools to see if Tweets actually produce sales
- Social networks will dive deeper into ecommerce
- Customer service: Social media and phones work in tandem
- The biggest social media innovations will come through the back door
As software like Hootsuite, TweetDeck, Buffer and other
social media tools make tracking ROI in the social space easier; companies will gradually feel more empowered to spend money in this space. From a personal perspective I find that the underlying factor in all of these trends is the ability to get your audience to interact with your content.
Likes and follow are great, but its how you use your space in their respective feeds that will ultimately determine the rate at which your audience grows. As people share and interact with your content it raises its profile, and ultimately brand awareness and we all know where that leads.
Building conversions from the leads can be a difficult thing for the business owners but if they are doing the marketing in right way using proper marketing strategy then you would definitely be able to get the success. I will launch the PPC Advertising campaign soon and have got the plan ready from an expert and also got the help from with the keyword research as well.